I have been talking about adding these to our web site for quite some time and am excited that we’ve finally added them! You can go to the menu under Resources and click on Handouts or use this link to see the list of handouts that have been added so far. We would also like to add additional tools as time moves on. We hope you’ll be able to take advantage of these tools to help make your life better.
Tag Archives: Handouts
LoneSTAR Coalition Against Pornography
We recently presented at the LoneSTAR Coalition Against Pornography Conference.
Here is the Slide Presentation for anyone interested!
TAMFT 2016
Gearing up for today’s presentation at the 2016 Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference!
Here is the handout for those attending the workshop. Thanks for being there!
Sex Addiction and MFT (updated file)
Also, here is the Slide Presentation for anyone who might be interested.